Absolute Normal

Emo, Being sad, Being hopeless...
Yea, that is my world..
And that is my style..
In the shadow being alone, Knowing no one will ever realize my exist...
Still do I prayed...
Hoped that someone will listen to my Story,
Wished that someone will share their Story with me,
Prayed that someone will always be by my side..
But that is just too soft..
The World Isn't a easy place, It is not a place for us to Sit down and Enjoy.
Lucky and Unlucky Occur, Happiness and Sadness exist.
People encounter all of them, one by one..
Like the Sky, it is endless..
Until you fall into darkness, and you pray for another chance, to be created...
That is us.. We give hopes to ourselves, knowing that it will not be granted..
Still do we pray, still do we hope, And we realized that it was just a dream..
And we realized that we had waked up.. Waked up from the happiness.
We Fight.. To gain back the "Happiness" that we once saw in the dream..
We Fight, those who fight until the end, They gained..
They gained long searched peace.. But they had lost.. Yes, they had lost to the fate..
They got their "Happiness". They had been given the chance to dream again.
But they lost their time, they lost their youths...
In the end, They only gained the right to fall into Darkness,
An Eternal Sleep which lead them to Eternal Peace..

We knew that, We said we DON'T want that..
But still we fight, Still we wanted to gain the "Happiness" that everyone has been looking for..

Hopeless Humans...
There wasn't happiness to begin with...
It is just a dream..
You can live in any way you like..
You have the right to pick the "happiness" up from the ground..
It is all over the ground!!
Just sit down!! Just lay down.. Close your eyes and you will see..
Dreams... That is what we called "Happiness"
It do exist, But it doesn't hold long..

It is NORMAL to be hurt.
It is NORMAL to be unlucky.
It is NORMAL to be cursed..
It is NORMAL for someone to pass away..
It is NORMAL for you to Cry Out Loud!
It is NORMAL, normal for one to gain what they seek after they sacrificed that much..
Pardon them, Let Them Go..
Don't Make Regrets for them..

Stop blaming the sky, for being unfair..
The Sky Couldn't do anything as well..
The Star is high up, but it doesn't do anything as well..
This is the world..
It was, and is Pitch Black..
We, Living Units Shines..
We glow lights in the Pitch Black World..
But! It was, and IS Pitch Black..
Trust yourself.. And don't waste your life..
You have your way of thinking and living, So Do I!! =3

Accept everything around you, You will be blessed..
Not by God, but by me..

Wake up, You Doesn't Exist from the beginning... I Said That..

-------------------END OF THE STORY OF THE FIRST SOUL-----------------

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